Maxis Finder301让你轻松查找美食

本地之一 communications provider Maxis 推出了一项全新的服务:Finder301,一个马来西亚首创的location based mobile directory,让Maxis的用户可以即时获得他们想要的资讯及分享有用的数据。目前该项服务已经能够搜寻超过12000家的美食店铺!

Maxis Finder 301
如何使用Maxis Finder 301?




Helpful tips:

Send MENU to 301 for a full list of things you can find around you now.

For help, send HELP to 301.

For specific restaurants, send to 301.
E.g. Send STARBUCKS to 301.

For specific location searches, use @.
E.g. Send STARBUCKS @AMPANG to 301 for results in Ampang.

Searches without the “@” will give you results closest to you.


备注:All SMS messages received from FINDER301 are free. There is no premium charge to use the service. However, you will be charged standard SMS fees (RM0.15) for each SMS sent to the FINDER301 service.

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