2013 财政预算案 - BR1M2.0 RM500 & RM250援助金

Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M2.0) - How to Apply RM250 assistance money for a household earning less than RM3,000. This is the 2nd cash assistance be given since its first last year. The criteria remains the same per last year’s. Existing BR1M recipients are not required to register for the 2nd time. RM250 will be paid effective Jan 2013. New applicant may register commencing Nov 2012 online or IRB offices, State Development Offices and District Offices. In addition, RM250 BR1M assistance money is extended for single unmarried individuals aged 21 and above with monthly income not more than RM2,000. 2013 财政预算案 原文出处:马来西亚吹水站 http://malaysiawaterstation.blogspot.com/ Subscribe to 马来西亚吹水站 by Email Facebook Fan Pages